Monday, April 16, 2012

Life Lately

We've been enjoying some free time these days and it has been a welcome change from the normal busy-ness of life.  Tax time is over and we're currently taking a *ahem* break from home repairs, painting, and any non-routine house work in general.  We've been enjoying a lot of little things.  I've been listening to a lot of Avett Brothers and Alex has been applying to a lot of jobs.  Things have been going well as they are.

This weekend we finally made it out to Sugarloaf Mountain for a few hours of hiking.  It was one of my first times hiking so I have no comparisons for the trip, but it was a lot of fun.  Tough.  We only did a three mile hike but ended up taking a few of the steeper inclined paths.  It was quite a leg workout for me.  Today, two days later, my legs are still killing me but Alex is completely fine.  Story of my life.

Where's Waldo? I stayed safely at the bottom.  Falling rocks!  We made it to the top after a quick, steep scramble for some beautiful views of the farms and and hills below.

We (I) have already planned our next hiking trip on the Billy Goat Trail in Great Falls.  We're definitely going all the way and doing trail A!  I just have to get a little more confident in my rock climbing skills.

After the hike, we had a quiet lunch at the Comus Inn located near the bottom of the mountain.  I've come back to this place a few times even though it's about an hour drive from our house.  The food is good, but the hospitality, views of the mountain, and location among farms keep me coming back.  On our way to the restaurant, we had to stop and wait for a chicken to cross the road.  Love it!

We made one last stop for a tasting at Sugarloaf Winery and bought a few more bottles.  I wouldn't say their wines are at the very top of my list, but they're decent if you stay away from the sweeter end of the spectrum.  And it's nice to support local businesses.  They are so inviting and encourage you find a table outside and stay for a while.  I like to see friendly places being successful.

The next day we awoke bright and early with a long list of to-dos.  We washed our yellowish green cars and discovered that yes, at one point they had actually been silver.  Sadly they are once again covered in a yellow film.  Oh well.  I never really cared about the cleanliness of the exterior of my car.  I just care that all that yellow stuff has also found it's way up my nose and I haven't stopped sneezing for weeks.

Summer Ale makes the work go by faster!  Never mind that it was barely 10am.  I spent a lot of the afternoon getting the backyard together and putting in my herb garden.  I still have to get a few more plants but those are soon to come.  Our neighbor recently replaced his fence and gave us a few extra inches of yard, so I'm taking advantage of it!

We closed the weekend out by making another round of flatbreads.  We still had more of the same leftovers so why not?  Don't judge my lack of variety!  They are tasty!

This is how I now feel after such a busy weekend.  And isn't this picture of my little buddy adorable?

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