No, this is of no relation to my, ummm... driver's license story from 2002. And don't worry, I still can't parallel park. This actually has nothing to do with driving at all. It has to do with looking at the information on your driver's license from when you were 16 and realizing that you don't exactly, ahem, weigh that much anymore. Ok, in reality, who really does. I received some wise advice from friend and roommate Jeremy when he said that we would all look sickly if we still weighed the same amount that we did in high school. To be fair, I haven't gained an extensive amount of weight but no one likes to see casual weight gain. A casual 10, 15 pounds now will be how much when middle age hits? I'm not great at math, but by my calculation, the answer is somewhere in the neighborhood of one million pounds.
I've been holding off on posting about this for a few months because I know weight is a very touchy subject. I'm not trying to draw the ire. Especially coming from someone who has always been considered thin and probably should not be complaining about my weight. But in reality, it's really just a sign of poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and lack of concern. In other words, bad lifestyle choices.
It's time to nip things in the bud! While i'm not specifically on a diet, I've been changing my eating habits and added exercise as I can. I've never really been a big soda drinker and don't have a large taste for meat, so largely sticking with water and eating a lot of fruits, veggies, low fat dairy and whole grains comes pretty natural to me. Not eating a ton of dessert is difficult though. So is not eating a ton of delicious tasty white bread and pasta. And white bread and pasta with CHEESE. I like carbs, a lot. I'm just working on changing them all to the whole grain variety.
My preferred method of exercise has been running since it is easy, free, and more fun that using machines. I'll save that gym membership fee, thank you very much. There have been improvements on this front but it's still hard to get motivated to go for a run when I come home from work dead tired. The other day I ate a turkey sandwich in the car on my way home and it seemed to do the trick. Too bad there can't be a turkey sandwich every day.
It has been a few months since I started changing my habits and there have been results along the way. I'm already halfway to my goal, although my end goal is more of a look rather than a number. And let's be honest here, this all has a much more vain purpose. I just don't want to have to get rid of half my closet! Too many things either don't fit anymore, or fit a bit... inappropriately. If it's between buying a new wardrobe that fits or fitting into the wardrobe I already have, I think that's an easy answer.
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