It's easy to talk about making changes, but it isn't very easy to get the momentum going to actually DO it. Even the best attempts seem to get lost in the activities of daily life, illness, tax season, you name it. Yes, I have been sick for the past month now and I'm currently on the third relapse of the same virus. This time around I was unfortunate enough to get hit with an extra severe double ear infection like none I have ever experienced before. I haven't been able to hear out of one ear for two weeks and the other seems to be working at about 50%. It's weird. I feel like I'm in my own little bubble because I have no idea what's going on around me. I have a greater appreciation for what Alex is going through having lost most of the hearing in his left ear. "At least you have hearing in one of your ears" doesn't seem like a very good response anymore. It sucks!
I've also been busy with my taxes and Alex's Federal, Maryland, AND Virginia taxes (gosh...) so I can get them out of the way before round two. I expect to prepare tax returns for five people this year and I don't want to leave them all until April. Good thing my weeknight social life is non-existent!
So anyways, I really needed to find a way to keep on top of the many things I've been putting on the back burner. This is my plan: 12 months, 12 things. This year I will focus on changing or improving 12 things in my life. I'm not saying that my life is terrible because it isn't. But couldn't everyone benefit from a little organization, a little improvement, a little cleaning up around the edges?
I'd like to try to check one off the list each month, but I don't want anything to be forced so they may come more often, or less. I don't have a list of what they will be, but I have a general direction for a few of them. I know I need a budget and a real doctor (no more Patient First for me!) and I need to solve my dietary mysteries (I think it may be gluten related. Goodbye bread.) I'm hopeful that Alex and I can take our first ever vacation together or if not, at least go on the long weekend trip I've had planned for the past few years. And of course, there's always the new job that has been the elephant in the room.
So now I have my plan, and I'm happy to say that it is already in motion! The post for Thing 1 will be coming up shortly....
Good for you Kath! Completely agree, making changes is hard. But once you get momentum it will get easier. Have you read The Happiness Project?