Clearly, very happy to be grilling in the rain.
The wind picked up quite a bit and nearly snapped our poor baby tree in half. One of our more unlucky neighbors had a tree fall on the front of their house covering their door and garage. We found a ton of shingles on the ground this morning but where they came from will remain a mystery.
Our movie later than night was interrupted by a ominous drip drip drip coming from the kitchen. What had started out as a slow drip was turning into a pretty steady stream flowing from the kitchen ceiling onto the floor. We found a bucket, some towels, and started prepping for a long night of increasing rain. Nothing beats hanging out your bedroom window in the wind and rain, putting plumbers putty on any crack in sight. And it didn't even work! At least someone was entertained.
So what did we learn in the end? Hurricane checklist:
1) Paint your toes an awesome color
2) Drink some beers
3) Take a nap
We'll be ready for next time!